626 Day
Pasadena 626 Day is a day where we celebrate the community and all the elements of Pasadena that make the city so special.

What is 626 Day?
626 Day is held on June 26th to highlight the great businesses and unique locations that help make Pasadena the beautiful and diverse place that it is.
Participating Locations
Part of what makes Pasadena so unique is its people and the diverse backgrounds they all bring to the area. The following restaurants, museums, and retailers will be helping to showcase all there is to offer, and are providing special promotions, offers, giveaways, and more just for this special day. (The following discounts and promotions are for one day only unless stated otherwise.)
To register as a 626 Day business, fill out the participation form. Promotional graphics and overlays can be found here. If you need assistance applying the overlay to one of your own photos, please email marketing@visitpasadena.com.
Attractions & Entertainment
- Color Me Mine of Pasadena - pasadena.colormemine.com
- Every painter will receive upon checkout a card entitling them to a half-off studio fee during their next visit. ($5.00 discount) (Through Dec. 31)
- Gamble House Bookstore - shop.gamblehouse.org
- For ever $25 spent on 626 Day, a raffle entry will be given to win a 626 Basket (signed copy of Arroyo by Chip Jacobs, an "Along the Arroyo" puzzle (illus by Yoshiko Yamamoto) and a handmade Rose pin by local artist Audrey Durnan
- The Bunker Experience - www.thebunkerexperience.com
- Use promo code "626Day" for 10% off any game
- The Huntington Store - thehuntingtonstore.org
- 10% off online and in-store
- Neon Retro Arcade - NeonRetroArcade.com
- Free video game-inspired 626 sticker with purchase of admission (while supplies last)
- Odyssey Games - https://odysseygamesco.com/
- All pre-owned games are 20% off (Through June 27)
- Pasadena Convention and Visitors Bureau - visitpasadena.com
- Instagram Stories Giveaway: Tag @VisitPasadena using #Pasadena626Day to give a shoutout to your favorite 626 businesses for a chance to win a bag full of Pasadena swag
- Pasadena Ice Skating Center - http://skatepasadena.com/
- Various social media giveaways
- Various social media giveaways
- Pasadena International Film Festival - www.pasadenafilmfestival.org
- Enter to win a raffle to win 2 VIP all access passes to PIFF including PIFF commemorative T shirts (Through July 4)
- Southern California Children's Museum - socalkids.org
- Discounted admission of $6.26 per guest (regular admission $8), children under 1 always play for free
- Vroman's Bookstore - vromansbookstore.com
- Receive a free "Shop Vroman's" canvas tote when you spend $50.00 or more at Vroman's Bookstore. (One tote per transaction. While supplies last.)
Clothing & Apparel
- C’est LA Vie Clothing - cestlavieclothing.co
- 25% off everything in-store or online (All weekend)
- Eileen Fisher - eileenfisher.com
- $25 off your purchase (Minimum pre-tax purchase of $50 required. Exclusions may apply.) + be entered to win a free scarf (All weekend)
- Elisa B. - http://www.elisab.com/
- 20% off entire regular-price purchase (Through June 27)
- Jade's Fashions LLC - Jadesfashions.com
- 15% off and enter into a drawing for $50 gift card (Through June 27 at 6 pm)
- Jennie Girls Closet - www.jenniegirlscloset.com
- 15% Off any Moschino brand item
- Mercadito Monarca - https://mercaditomonarca.com
- 10% Entire Purchase (Restrictions may apply)
- One Colorado Old Pasadena - https://onecolorado.com/
- See individual participating stores
- Pink Owlet - https://www.pinkowlet.com/
- Shop at Pink Owlet for 15% off the cutest cat themed enamel pins (June 25 to June 30)
- Ritz Resale - ritzresale.com
- 6.26% off before taxes (Through June 27)
- Seven Deadly Fairies - www.7DeadlyFairies.com
- 15% off all purchases over $26
- Shopaholic Sample Sales - www.shopaholicsamplesales.com
- Free piece of jewelry or a scarf with every purchase, serving cold Vita Coco coconut water all day
- Sidecca - sidecca.square.site
- 20% Off entire purchase (Through June 27)
- Unicorn Bling Queen Accessories - paparazziaccessories.com
- Free gift with every purchase. Free shipping for orders over $100. Buy 12 items get the 13th Free. Free local delivery, Drawing for a 4 piece fashion fix jewelry set. Free kids giveaways.
- Walker / Viden Luxury Consignment - www.walkerviden.com
- 10% Off Any Full Price Merchandise (except Chanel & Louis Vuitton)
Electronics & Tech
- Bang & Olufsen Pasadena - stores.bang-olufsen.com
- Tax free on Bang & Olufsen products & 15% off Louis Poulsen lighting fixtures (Bang & Olufsen Promotion through June 26 & 27, Louis Poulsen promotion through June 26 - July 19)
- Barnabas Robotics - www.barnabasrobotics.com
- 30% off any robot kit with discount code "PASADENA626"
- Cosmo Repair - Cosmorepair.com
- 10% of iPhone repair (Through June 27)
- Di-No Computers - www.di-no.com
- 6.26% labor discount on next service, free screen protector with iPhone service, chance to win an AirPod Pro, value $249, free tote bag with every purchase (Through July 16 at 6 pm)
- Eagle Star Security - eaglestarsecurity.net
- 20% discount on all security packages (Through June 30)
- Install Pros - InstallProsLA.com
- 10% off tv mounting service (Through July 30)
- Micro Trends of Pasadena, Inc. - www.micro-trends.com
- Business Phone System & Computer - Internet Security First month, Business Phone Bill Free, One month Remote Services free (Through July 25)
Food & Drink
- Amara Chocolate & Coffee - amaracafe.com
- Special 626-Day refresher: 16 oz Guava & Blue Agave Lemonade $1.99 (Reg. $4.25) (Offer valid in store only)
- Blaze Pizza - www.blazepizza.com
- $6.26 two top pizza (Through June 27)
- $6.26 two top pizza (Through June 27)
- Burrito Express - burritoexpresspasadena.com
- Giveaways for 2 Burrito Express T shirts, 2 $10 Burrito Express gift certificates, 1 $25 Burrito Express gift certificate, and 2 free combo burritos
- CAR Artisan Chocolate Manufactory & Cafe - carartisanchocolate.com
- Choco-Late (Iced or Hot) & Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie for $6.29 (usually $9.75) (Available from 8:30 am - 1 pm on June 26)
- Cerveceria Del Pueblo - www.delpueblo.beer
- 15% off at the tap room
- Cha Redefine - www.charedefine.com
- Buy 1 get 1 free when you provide the code '626 Day' to the cashier
- Dog Haus Biergarten - oldpasadena.doghaus.com
- 2-for-1 Drink Specials (applies to Beer Pints, Wine & Well Drinks) + Any Haus Dog for $6.26 from 11am-6pm on June 26. (Dine-in orders only)
- Father Nature Lavash Bistro - http://fathernaturelavashwraps
- $12 Mezze Plates, includes side of Lavash bread
- Ginger And Spice Noodle & Grill - gingerandspicenoodle.com
- 10% off
- Jake's Trustworthy Burgers & Beer - Jakestrustworthyburgers.com
- Get a chocolate dipped soft-serve cone or cup for $1.00 with the purchase of a Classic Burger, Classic Sliders or Chicken sandwich
- Jones Coffee Roasters - https://www.jonescoffeeroasters.com/
- Free coffee mugs & stickers, with purchase (while supplies last)
- Lêberry Bakery & Donut - https://leberrybakery.com/
- Two free coffees with a dozen donuts
- Lemonade - lemonadela.com
- $6.26 Mango Chicken Bowl, in store only
- Lupitas Mexican Food - Lupitaspasadena.com
- 10% of food items
- Main Chick Hot Chicken - www.eatmainchick.com
- 15% off the entire order per transaction (Through June 30)
- Mediterranean Grill - Mgrillla.com
- 10% off
- Milo Cafe &Organic Juicery - https://m.facebook.com/MiloCaf...
- Buy 6 Drinks or Order 6 Foods, Get 2 Free Iced Fusion Tea
- Osawa Shabu Shabu & Sushi - http://www.theosawa.com
- Tuna Crostini (2pc) for $6.26
- Porta Via Italian Foods - Portaviafoods.com
- Mention 626 Day and receive a free iced tea with purchase of entree
- Playhouse Village - playhousevillage.org/you-eat-we-treat
- Throughout the month of June, dine or takeout at Playhouse Village restaurants and submit your receipt to be entered to win a $40 gift card to a Village eatery
- Rosebud Coffee - www.rosebudcoffee.com
- Buy a burrito and get a drip free or get 15% off a drink of choice.
- Sage Plant Based Bistro - www.sageveganbistro.com
- $6 Sage Brew with the purchase of food.
- Sorriso Bar Celona - www.sorrisopasadena.com
- "Two for One Drinks" from 11:30am to 7pm, "15% off Food" All Day (Offers cannot be combined)
- Slater's 50/50 Pasadena - https://slaters5050.com/locati...
- 20% off with any purchase over $40 (Through July 26)
- The Arbour - thearbourpasadena.com
- One free dessert chosen by the chef for each person mentioning Pasadena 626 Day
- The Fit Bar Superfood Cafe - www.fitbarcafe.com
- 15% off order (Through 6/27)
- The Kitchen Italian Café & Pizzeria - thekitchenpasadena.com
- Buy one, get one half off on anything equal or lesser value
- The Tap Room at The Langham Huntington, Pasadena - www.langhamhotels.com
- All draft beers for $6.26, featuring 3 beers on tap from Pasadena's own Craftsman Brewery
- Union Street Sandwich Company - unionsandwich.com
- Free beverage of choice with purchase of a sandwich or salad (Through Labor Day)
- Urbano Mexican Kitchen - urbanomexicankitchen.com
- 5% off entire check/bill
- Vanilla Bake Shop - www.vanillabakeshop.com
- Complimentary Stumptown 12 oz coffee/ (Hot or iced) Must mention the 626 promotion. Limit one per person
- We Olive - https://weolive.com/pasadena/
- 10% off retail purchases (June 25 - June 27)
Health & Beauty
- Blankstein's Beauty & Style - www.blanksteins.com
- 26% off when you purchase Eyelash extensions NOVALASH American volume fullset, 6.26% off when you buying 3 vouchers of lash extension refill (Through July 4)
- Cancer Support Community Pasadena - cscpasadena.org
- Free services to those affected by cancer in our community. Services will be available virtually on June 26.
- Dao Acupuncture & Wellness - DaoAcupuncture.net
- $10 Off First Visit (Through August 28)
- Eyes For Beautys - www.eyesforbeautys.net
- 20% off all products and services (Through Sept. 1)
- Glambrows by Cin - www.glambrowsbycin.com
- 10% off micro-blading or powder brows and one free touch up (worth $150) (Through July 1)
- Hair Perfect - https://www.facebook.com/HairP
- 10% OFF for all new and first time customers
- Just Float - www.justfloat.com
- $62.60 for single floats (Normally $79)
- Fiona Wills @ProArtistFifi - www.instagram.com/proartistfifi
- 10% off Haircuts, 20% off Hair Color/ Highlights (Through June 30 while appointments are available)
- LATHER - www.lather.com
- Special 626 Day gift with purchase at LATHER Pasadena
- Luke Walkers Barber and Beauty Care
- 10% off three services (Through early summer)
- Ritual Aesthetics - www.ritualaesthetics.com
- 15% off first facial (Through July 10)
- Pasadena Beauty Bar - www.Pasadenabeautybar.com
- Blow dry $45, 20% off products
- Salon Sonik - salonsonik.com
- 10% off for all new clients
- Scissors Paper Rock Salon - www.Sprsalon.com
- 15% off all retail
- Sea of Light Wellness - www.seaoflightwellness.com
- 10% off Immunity Reboot 21 Day Cleanse (Discount offered with mention of "626 Day" through August 1, Cleanse begins on August 8)
- Spatini Skin Lounge - Spatiniskinlounge.com
- 15% off all Le Mieux Skincare Products Online (June 30)
- SkinFX Medical Spa - www.skinfxmedicalspa.com
- 626 Day - Botox $8.00 per unit, normally $10.00 per unit
- The Orpheum Salon - Orpheumsalon.com
- Free Aveda travel size product with every paid service (Through July 10)
- The Perfect Gentleman Salon - www.perfectgentlemansalon.com
- Receive 15% off on your first service, and get a complementary clean-up for your next service (Expires July 30)
- The Soap Kitchen - www.thesoapkitchen.com
- 6.26% discount with code: 626day (June 26 online only), $5 off $30 or more with code: IWANTSOAP (Through July 3)
- Venti Nail Studio
- 20% off all services (Appointments highly recommended)
Home, Gifts, Books & Garden
- Craft Fair Gift Shop - assistanceleague.org/pasadena
- 25% off all handmade artwork, ceramics and glassware
- De-cor Globally Inspired - www.de-cor.com
- 20% off storewide on regular price (Through July 8)
- Fishbecks Patio Center - fishbecks.com
- No Sales Tax (Through July 5)
- Gamble House Bookstore - shop.gamblehouse.org
- For ever $25 spent on 626 Day, a raffle entry will be given to win a 626 Basket (signed copy of Arroyo by Chip Jacobs, an "Along the Arroyo" puzzle (illus by Yoshiko Yamamoto) and a handmade Rose pin by local artist Audrey Durnan
- Homage - www.homagepasadena.com
- Free Nomad Ice Pops while supplies last plus 20% off your entire purchase of regular priced merchandise.
- The Huntington Store - thehuntingtonstore.org
- 10% off online and in-store
- Treasure Fair Thrift Shop - pasadena.assistanceleague.org
- 30% off all clothing items
- Maude Woods - www.maudewoods.com
- 20% off entire purchase
- Smart Timer Rebate - www.SmartTimerRebate.com
- Free Installation ($150 value) for Smart Irrigation Timers (Through August 30)
- Southern Roots - Southernrootsgifts.com
- 20% off select items
- The Flowerman, Inc - www.theflowerman.net
- 50% off ALL flower arrangements in the cooler. No pre-orders, not for delivery
- The Right Touch Nail Salon - https://www.instagram.com/Pasa...
- 6.26% off the value of a Manicure/ Pedicure (Through July 6)
- Vroman's Bookstore - vromansbookstore.com
- Receive a free "Shop Vroman's" canvas tote when you spend $50.00 or more at Vroman's Bookstore. (One tote per transaction. While supplies last.)
- Holiday Inn Express Pasadena - www.ihg.com/holidayinn
- Guests booking directly with the hotel either by calling direct or stopping by and mentioning the 626 Promotion will be given a 6% discount off of our Best Flexible rate! Guests booking 4 or more consecutive nights will be eligible for a 26% discount off our Best Flexible rate! Room nights are bookable from June 26, 2021 to September 26, 2021. Room also includes complimentary American breakfast, complimentary parking, access to the swimming pool, spa, and fitness center. 626 Promotion subject to availability and block out dates, excludes holidays.
- Hotel Le Reve Pasadena - www.hotellerevepasadena.com
- 10% discount with promo code "626day" (Through July 26)
- The Langham Huntington, Pasadena - www.langhamhotels.com
- The Langham Huntington, Pasadena will give away a one-night stay in room 626, a gorgeous Deluxe King guestroom overlooking the Horseshoe Garden and San Marino, inclusive of valet parking and American breakfast for 2 at The Terrace Restaurant. Giveaway will be posted on the hotel's Instagram page (@langhampasadena); to enter, entrants must follow the hotel on Instagram, comment on the post and tag at least one friend. Multiple entries are allowed. Winner will be selected at random from qualified entries and contacted via Instagram DM.
Office & Professional Services
- #1 2Go Live Scan - 2golivescan.com
- 25% off most fees
- Bryan's Cleaners & Laundry - www.BryansCleaners.com
- $6.26 off any order brought in or picked up
- Concierge Cleaners
- 15% discount for dry cleaners items (Through July 15)
- Learning Ladder - Learningladder.biz
- No registration fees for one-on-one online tutoring services. ($35 value) (Through July 1)
- Logix Federal Credit Union - www.logixbanking.com
- Free stadium bags, while supplies last. No membership is required.
- Phyllis Chestang & Second Wind - https://www.youtube.com/channe...
- Buy one, get one free
- Xandrea Realtor - www.xandreagaray.com
- Free consultation about selling or buying your home (Through July 10)
Sports & Fitness
- Aion Training - https://www.aiontraining.com
- 2 Weeks of Free Personal Training for the first 11 people to sign up
- 2 Weeks of Free Personal Training for the first 11 people to sign up
- Anytime Fitness Pasadena - anytimefitness.com
- $1 enrollment (Through July 10)
- Basecamp Fitness - www.basecampfitness.com
- 2 Weeks Free Unlimited Basecamp Class Access + 15% Membership Discount (Through July 31)
- Dance Conservatory of Pasadena - www.dancepasadena.com
- 4 in person classes for summer schedule at DCP (Through July 31)
- Fight Academy Pasadena - www.FightAcademyPasadena.com
- One month free group training, raffle to those that visit that day from 8 am-12 pm
- Gold Line Pilates Pasadena - www.goldlinepilates.com
- 10% off 5-pack group classes (Through August 1)
- Hardcore Fitness Pasadena - hardcorefitnessbootcamp.com
- 50% off first month and enrollment (Through June 30)
- Hot 8 Yoga - www.hot8yoga.com
- First Week Unlimited For $8
- Johnny's Sport Shop - https://www.facebook.com/Johnn...
- 6.26% off all spooled monofilament fishing line
- Marco Fabbrini, DBA Victory Hockey - www.victoryhockey.com
- Free 15 minute off-ice lesson with any on-ice lesson scheduled (Through June 30)
- Rose Bowl Aquatics Center - www.rosebowlaquatics.org
- Select items in the Pro Shop on clearance
- Run with Us - https://clubrunwithus.com/
- Offering a 10% discount off all shoes, apparel, plus raffles every hour on the hour (not valid on Brooks and Garmin product, not valid with other discounts, winners will be announced at the end of day on social media)
- Pasadena Weight Loss Center - www.pasadenaweightlosscenter.com
- Free body composition analysis, free fitness evaluation, free nutrient evaluation (Through August 1)
- Sanctuary Fitness - Sanctuaryfitness.com
- One (1) free class for anyone that has not visited the Pasadena studio in the past 3 months. (Through August 26)
- Space B.A.R. Wellness Center - www.spacebarwellness.com
- 50% off a single service (Excludes hands-on recovery and mobility, and massage) (Valid 6/25-6/27)
- SPENGA - https://pasadenaca.spenga.com
- 50% off your first month of membership (Through June 30), 3 classes for $30 and 50% off your first month of membership (Through July 30)
- STRIDE Pasadena - www.runwithstride.com
- First Class Free OR get the first week of unlimited classes for $20.21 (Through Dec. 31)
- The Bar Method Pasadena - pasadena.barmethod.com
- $49 for your first month of unlimited classes (Through July 31)
- The Strength Shoppe - www.TheStrengthShoppe.com
- $62.60 off initial consultation and first workout
- uMove Pilates - umovepilates.com
- 5 Group Reformer Classes for $99 or 3 Private Sessions for $190 (New clients only, through July 10)
- YogaSix Pasadena - yogasix.com/pasadena
- 35% off unlimited class membership (Reg price is $166/month; Special is $107.90/month for life)
- Fast Lane Traffic School - https://www.fastlanetrafficsch...
- 50% OFF Online Traffic School Course, Regular full price $17.99 with discount $9. Discount Coupon Code LOVEFAST (Through July 1)
- K9 Loft - www.k9loft.com
- 25% off Retail
- Pacific Oaks College - https://www.pacificoaks.edu/
- Application fee waived ($55 value) for individuals applying to undergraduate or Masters programs. Priority registration during matriculation. (Through December 31)
- Red Hen Press - https://shop.aer.io/Red_Hen_Press
- 20% off your entire order of Red Hen press books with the code PASADENA626
Prizes and Giveaways
We will be sharing your photos and videos on the Visit Pasadena Instagram page all day. Make sure you tag #Pasadena626Day and use the special stickers to be featured. You can find the stickers by searching for the keyword "@VisitPasadena." Plus, we want to hear from you! Download the picture below and tag your favorite 626 locations to win a swag bag full of Pasadena exclusive goodies.
Sponsored Information
About the City of Pasadena
For questions about the 626 Day campaign, please contact the City of Pasadena Economic Development Office at (626)744-7357 or visit www.cityofpasadena.net/shoppasadena.
Stay connected to the City of Pasadena! Visit us online at www.cityofpasadena.net; follow us on Twitter at @PasadenaGov, and Instagram and Facebook at @CityOfPasadena; or call the Citizen Service Center, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday at (626) 744-7311.
About Visit Pasadena
The Pasadena Convention & Visitors Bureau is a non-profit marketing organization dedicated to promoting Pasadena as a leading meeting, convention and leisure travel destination. For more information, go to www.VisitPasadena.com. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook at @VisitPasadena.